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Compare now£36,980 | Auto-Trail Tribute 670 2 Berth Motorhome with fixed bed
Fixed Bed - 230W Solar SystemKey facts
Print summaryThis motorhome comes with
12v Power, Air Conditioning, Awning, Blown Air Heating, Cassette toilet with electric flush, Electric Windows, Fixed Bed, Fridge, Gas Hob, Heki rooflight, Immobiliser, Leisure Battery, Rear Seat belts, Removable carpets, Reverse Camera, Shower, Sink, Solar Panels, Swivel Chairs, Swivel Drivers Seat, Swivel Passenger Seat, Toilet, Wind Out Awning
- 202407282252894
- 2014
- 14
- £36,980
- 3698
- 23,000
- Motorhomes
- Tribute 670
- +P+mjeRZrow=