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Compare now£9,980 | Elddis 2011 Avante 556 - 6 Berth Touring Caravan Touring Caravan
Key facts
Print summaryBerths: 6 Axles: S Awning size: 1,002.00 cm or 394.49 inches Shipping length: 7.34 m or 24.08 ft Internal length: 5.60 m or 18.37 ft Width: 2.24 m or 7.35 ft Mass in Running Order: 1307 kg or 25.73 cwt Maximum Technical Permissible Laden Mass: 1499 kg or 29.51 cwt
- 202203203767246
- 2011
- £9,980
- 998
- -
- Caravans
- Avante 556